A.K.A: I had a really good idea for a blog post but then I waited too long to write it and now I feel like it's irrelevant.
Song of the day: Teach Me how to Dougie (Cali Swag District)
Updating blogs is hard. So, school gets out in nine days. You'd think the year would be winding down, but I've had more work this week than I have all year. My school is a terrible public school, and the whole year I've kinda been like, "Am I ever going to have to do any work at all here?" I guess so. Three projects are due this week, and I have a few finals,
I've been trying to work more on music. I keep telling Miguel I'm the next Dr. Dre, because I'm making beats. The truth is that I have one failed beat from when me and Noah wrote a rap about Diglett. I've also been trying to write lyrics. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO bad at it. Every day in Spanish, I try to write a new song. And I kinda get in a groove, and start liking it. Then a few days later I readit back and think, "What the fuck?"
I'm hoping to eventually get this blog more centered, ya dig? Like, one of my favorite blogs is On da Radar. It's all about reviews. El Radar reviews movies, mostly. I would love to get this blog more focused on one subject, because I feel like that will get me more views. With ads running (I should put those up, too), more views is usually more money. I'm saving said money for Photoshop CS5. Possible topics include art, Pokemon, WoW (WoW blogs actually have a pretty big fanbase, for filling such an odd niche) and... oh, wait. Those are the only things I know. Good.
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